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Yantai boosts apple exports with comprehensive support

from: date: 2024-12-26

Shandong's Yantai has taken significant steps this year to promote the export of its renowned apples. The city has rolled out an implementation plan specifically designed to address five key challenges facing apple exporters, including market development, supply chain finance, overseas warehousing and logistics, branding, and customs clearance.

To facilitate apple exports, Yantai has been actively building a comprehensive support system. This includes optimizing shipping routes and enhancing air transportation. For instance, a new direct flight route between Yantai and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was launched this year to deepen cooperation with Southeast Asia. Additionally, Yantai has implemented a range of streamlined services, such as 24-hour appointment inspections and holiday appointment visas for apple exports. As a result of these efforts, the export of apples from 125 Yantai-based companies has increased by over 10 percent year-on-year.

The city has also hosted the 2024 World Apple and Pear Conference from Nov 14 to 16, bringing together representatives of renowned apple and pear import and export companies, fruit wholesale markets, fruit chain stores, fresh e-commerce platforms, and apple and pear production, processing, and export enterprises. This event has played a crucial role in promoting the export of Yantai's apples and pears.

Through these initiatives, Yantai is positioning itself as a leading exporter of high-quality apples and strengthening its presence in the global fruit market.